Tasty Blocks

Concept for a WordPress theme and plugins club centered around the Gutenberg editor.

  • ContactInternal
  • DateJanuary, 2018
  • TypeUI/UX Design
  • StatusShelfed

Skills Used

  • UI Design
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Research
  • WordPress Plugin Development


  • Gutenberg
  • Beans
  • WordPress


I've been considering re-entering the theme/plugin market and one of the ideas I've been playing with is TastyBlocks, which would be the home of my Gutenberg blocks, all tailored around the food-blogging market.

I managed to get quite a bit of experience working with Gutenberg during my stint at WineFolly, so I'm confident I could create a collection of related blocks and themes. That said, this one will have to continue gathering dust until I'm in a position to pursue it properly.